
Exploring the
augmented reality

Discover and create valuable AR+ experiences

Increase the value of your marketing efforts and print materials by connecting them with interactive AR content.
With you are able to discover and build individual AR+ experiences - without coding, without store updates, even without your own app or website. is designed to make AR content available for every brand, regardless of size or branch.


Discover a wide range of applications opens up countless possibilities to enhance content and way users interact with brands. Through that, a wide variety of applications can take advantage of augmented reality.


Automated image recognition paired with haptic feedback and associated audio content offers blind and visually impaired people equal access to services and information.


With visitors can access additional information about artworks, historical context and artist insights.


Interactive AR visualizations allow to deepen the understanding of abstract subjects and enriching users` learning experience.


AR enables new forms of storystelling for live events, concerts, movies, websites etc. In tailor-made AR stories users are able to interact with characters, objects or other consumers.


Interact with virtual objects as if they were part of the real world or overlay coordinates with specific content to complete missions. AR bridges the gap between real and virtual worlds.


Creating unique and memorable AR experiences reshapes the way, how customers encounter and engage with your brand.


Our moval app can turn static displays into interactive experiences, which give customers access to additional product information, reviews and comparisons.


Virtual translation of signs, extending maps with additional elements, creating interative guides of sights: AR offers countless possibilities of providing travelers with instant access to relevant information.

Check out the latest AR+ experiences


Sightseeing map of Bamberg

Discover the sightseeing highlights of Bamberg

visit Bamberg |


zweiwas Faltblatt 2022

Sehen und Hören - lieber zweiwas

zweiwas |

Entertainment - Health



Ein tolles Project
